Nicolas Maduro: Venezuela is building a new State, at the service of the people

Editado por Ed Newman
2024-08-21 23:58:44


Caracas, August 22 (RHC)-- The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, says that the South American country is at the climax of a revolutionary offensive and deepens the political and organizational processes to develop the constitutional vision of a new, participatory and leading democracy.

During the recent broadcast of the program "Con Maduro +", he evoked Che Guevara when he expressed that socialism cannot be built with the blunted weapons of capitalism.  "If the Revolution has any meaning, it is to change everything and build a new system of government, of direct government, with peace and democracy as the path," said the head of State.

He assured that step by step the Venezuelan revolutionaries have identified new work methods, built the communal councils, designed their functions and have empowered them progressively.

It is about building a new State, at the service of the people, has stressed the president, who has defended popular protagonism as a way to solve the needs of the communities.

According to the statistical system of the Ministry of Popular Power for Communes and Social Movements, 3,641 communes and 49,183 communal councils are registered nationwide.

The concept of communities empowering themselves and deciding will reach one of its greatest expressions in the national popular consultation on August 25, when more than 4,000 communal circuits that group more than 49,000 communal councils will be activated throughout the country to vote for the projects that the communities want to prioritize and build for their benefit.

For this, the second consultation of the year, at least 27,400 projects were submitted.

The first national popular consultation took place on April 21st.  More than 23,000 projects were submitted for voting and 4,000 were approved.  Of these, 4,500 were finally financed and almost 1,700 have already been consolidated and completed.

The proposed projects are approved in popular assemblies. The people then decide democratically and by vote which one they will prioritize. Once the Bolivarian State finances the project with the most votes, the communities monitor its execution and control the use of the funds in a self-managed manner.

The formula has proven its efficiency, since quality works are carried out with less investment of time and resources. President Nicolás Maduro has exemplified how similar works, managed by a bureaucrat or a capitalist, have cost more and taken longer.  In addition, the Venezuelan president announced the holding of four national popular consultations in the year.


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