Venezuelan foreign minister says Washington and its allies continue to violate United Nations Charter

Editado por Ed Newman
2024-09-28 06:57:44


United Nations, September 28 (RHC)-- Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Yvan Gil has denounced the U.S. and its allies of increasing of creating a framework of impunity that encourages the Israeli war machine.

On Friday, the top Venezuelan diplomat warned of the continuous threats and violations of the UN Charter by the United States and its allies.

During a meeting of the Group of Friends in Defense of the United Nations Charter in New York, the Bolivarian diplomat illustrated his claims by pointing to the rise in the imposition of unilateral restrictive measures, the Zionist genocide taking place in Gaza and the West Bank, and the recent Israeli military attacks on Lebanon.

“The United Nations has been unable to stop these crimes,” Gil pointed out, denouncing that the U.S. and its friends are supplying the weapons with which Israel carries out mass massacres in Palestine and Lebanon.

"The countries aligned with the United States have created a framework of impunity that encourages the Israeli war machine, which continues to kill because it assumes its leaders will not be held accountable before humanity," the Venezuelan foreign minister stressed, while expressing his country’s support for the legitimate desire of the Palestinian people to have their own state.

Yvan Gil emphasized that Washington and its satellites  are not interested in building a multipolar world.  This lack of will was evidenced at the Summit of the Future, where hegemonic nations tried to erode UN institutions and impose the concept of a world based on rules conceived for their own whims and convenience.

The Venezuelan foreign minister also recalled that Washington is carrying out a “continuous coup” against Venezuela, a country suffering a multifaceted aggression due to the consequences of over 900 sanctions, the confiscation of millions in funds abroad, and other destabilizing actions such as assassination attempts and invasions.

“With Venezuela, they have not and will not succeed.  The Venezuelan people will defend their national independence,” assured the Bolivarian diplomat, who expressed gratitude for the solidarity shown by the members of the Group of Friends in Defense of the United Nations Charter.

Gil emphasized the need to build a new international order based on peace, development, and equity.  He also expressed that the Group of Friends in Defense of the United Nations Charter will contribute substantially to achieving this goal as it extends its geopolitical influence.

Launched in 2021, the Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations is currently composed of 18 members: Algeria, Belarus, Bolivia, China, Cuba, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Iran, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mali, Nicaragua, the State of Palestine, Russia, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, Syria, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.


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