Colombian Peace Forum Gets Underway in Uruguay

Editado por Ivan Martínez
2015-06-06 11:44:14


Montevideo, June 6 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The second Peace Forum got underway on Friday in Montevideo, where lawmakers from Latin America will discuss measures supporting the current Colombian peace process being negotiated in Havana.

At least 60 lawmakers from various countries of the region are meeting until Sunday in the Uruguayan Parliament and working to create a Network of Lawmakers for Peace in Colombia, focusing on the reinforcement of peace with social justice, among other issues.

“After 50 years of conflicts between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People's Army (FARC-EP), we seek to consolidate Latin America as a Peace Zone,” Uruguayan lawmaker Jose Bayardi, from the governing Broad Front, told Prensa Latina. The participation of Uruguayan Vice President Raul Sendic is expected, as well as senator and former Uruguayan President Jose Mujica.

Academics and leaders from over 100 social organizations and unions will also contribute to the discussions, the organizers stated. The debates will reportedly address other topics, including the militarization in the region, land conflicts, forced displacements, migrants and refugees, political prisoners, criminalization of critical thinking, media monopolies, anti-drug policies and foreign interference in Latin America and the Caribbean.

They will also talk about the role of women as peace builders; social justice and truth; indigenous, Afro-descendant communities and peasants; and youth.

The 37th cycle of Colombian peace talks in Havana have just ended and agreed to set up a truth commission that will investigate the violations of human rights and international law that have taken place during the conflict.


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