Cuba appreciates the welcome from participants in the Vietnam peace forum

Editado por Catherin López
2022-11-24 08:03:56


Cuba thanks the participants of the XXII Assembly of the World Peace Council in Vietnam.

Hanoi, Nov 24 (RHC) Cuba thanked the warm welcome of participants at the 22nd Assembly of the World Peace Council (WPC), which is in session in Hanoi with the presence of representatives from 53 countries.

Many of the speeches delivered were expressions of support for our Revolution, said the director for Asia and Oceania of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) Leima Martinez, who denounced the attempts to weaken the symbol of strength that Cuba represents to the world.

Martinez ratified that the Cuban Revolution maintains its firm position of sovereignty and independence, as well as its determination not to give up in the effort to defend the just causes it supports.

We respect the decision of the peoples to preserve their national identity and sovereignty and we oppose the adoption of unilateral sanctions, a practice that in recent times has become widespread, she pointed out.

The ICAP director also alluded to the fourth-generation communications war that many of the countries present at this meeting are facing, and urged "all of us to defend the truth that we are building".

On the other hand, and in a message addressed to the WPC Assembly, the Venezuelan Simon Bolivar Institute for Peace and Solidarity among Peoples expressed the honor of meeting in the land of President Ho Chi Minh, who "continues to be an infinite inspiration for the free peoples of the world".

The communiqué notes the concern generated by the great threats that loom over humanity, endangering life and peace on the planet as never before, and reiterates the commitment of the Venezuelan people to the Bolivarian Diplomacy of Peace.

The document points out that the commitment to peace involves opposing all types of conflagration, from conventional to all forms of hybrid warfare adopted by imperialism today.

It also denounces the warlike escalation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the United States, which is taking place at a time when the serious effects of climate change, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the crisis of capital accumulation should lead to paths of cooperation and solidarity. (Source: PL)


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