Adidas president highlights reunion with Cuba

Editado por Ed Newman
2024-04-19 15:52:56


Paris, April 19 (JIT).- Adidas President Bejoern Guiden highlighted the reestablishment of ties between that emblematic company and the Cuban Olympic Committee (COC).

"It is a relationship built from tradition, which we want to maintain into the future," he said in a brief exchange with journalists in the context of the gala in which the firm presented the equipment designed for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

"We are pleased that we can work together again," he said minutes after announcing that, in addition to guaranteeing the wardrobe to the delegations of the island attending the Parisian events, the brand will accompany the COC during the next four years.

Guiden declared himself a personal friend of star Alberto Juantorena and other Cuban competitors. He highlighted their attitude and competitive spirit and had a lively conversation with Mijaín López, Javier Sotomayor and Ana Fidelia Quirós, among the universal stars invited to the event.

The classic style wrestler who will seek his fifth title under the five rings, the world record holder in high jump and the former double queen runner of the planet were the only Latin Americans included among the luminaries gathered at the Adidas Arena.

Other stars such as the Ethiopian long-distance runner Haile Gebrselassie and the German cyclist Kristina Vogel, double Olympic champions, were also part of the ceremony, together with the also outstanding American short hurdler Grant Holloway, three-time gold medalist.

The promotion of the clothing and footwear collection called Passion drives the inner fire, was part of the actions that precede the sports festivities scheduled from July 26 to August 11 and from August 28 to September 8 in the French capital.


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