Amazon workers strike in Spain and Germany on Black Friday

Editado por Pavel Jacomino
2018-11-23 14:49:34

Amazon workers during a strike organized this March.   Photo: EFE

Madrid, November 23 (RHC)-- Workers at the Amazon logistics centers in Spain and Germany staged strikes on Black Friday, an annual discount spending spree that marks the start of the Christmas shopping season, to demand better working conditions and salaries. 

Workers at Amazon's biggest warehouse in Spain, San Fernando de Henares, near Madrid, walked out Friday and plan to continue the strike through Saturday.  This is the fourth strike Spanish unions have organized against the U.S.-based Amazon. 

Workers gathered outside the warehouse say there are only 20 employees inside."  Douglas Harper, delegate of the Workers' Commissions (CCOO) told El Pais: "There are 20 people inside and two in the docks."  According to a representative of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), Moises Fernandez, 90 percent of workers have adhered to the strike. 

Police sources told local media that Amazon Spain had requested police presence within the warehouse to stop workers from striking.  The police reportedly rejected the request saying that ensuring labor productivity is not within their duties.  Spanish law protects the right to strike. 

Amazon Germany reported around 620 workers were participating in the strikes at the Bad Hersfeld and Rheinberg facilities but said the majority of employees were continuing to work and customer orders have not been impacted. 


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