U.S. confirms two million coronavirus cases, hospitalizations surge in many states

Editado por Ed Newman
2020-06-12 21:33:20


Washington, June 12 (RHC)-- The number of confirmed U.S. coronavirus cases has officially topped 2 million, the highest number in the world by far — but public health officials say the true number of infections is certain to be many times greater. 

Officially, the U.S. death toll is nearing 113,000, and at least 12 states are reporting an increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations.

In Arizona, which lifted its stay-at-home order on May 15th, more than three-quarters of the state’s intensive care units are filled amid a spike in COVID-19 patients.  Public health officials are urging new social distancing measures and warning the governor to immediately prepare field hospitals to handle a coming flood of new patients.


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