Iranian foreign ministry spokesman says world will never forget Israeli regime’s criminal record

Editado por Ed Newman
2021-06-07 17:01:26


Iranian foreign ministry spokesman says world will never forget Israeli regime’s criminal record

Tehran, June 7 (RHC)-- Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh says the world will never forget the Israeli regime’s record of atrocities against the Palestinians, especially its infanticide mania, the latest example of which killed over 260 Palestinians, including 66 children, in the blockaded Gaza Strip.

"Even on his way out, Netanyahu pathologically insisted on filling his quota of innocent #Palestinian blood," Khatibzadeh said in a Sunday tweet in clear allusion to the decision by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to dethrone him after 12 years in power following the recent war between the regime and Palestinian resistance groups in the blockaded Gaza Strip.

“Time will come for criminals to be held accountable.  World will never forget Israeli regime’s record,” the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman added in his tweet.

Khatibzadeh also took to task the countries that supported Israel in its recent criminal onslaught against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip by turning a blind eye to the plight of the Palestinian women and children under Israeli airstrikes, especially the United States and a number of European countries.

“Shame on those who effectively aided and abetted Israel's crimes,” he said.  Even on his way out, Netanyahu pathologically insisted on filling his quota of innocent #Palestinian blood.Shame on those who effectively aided and abetted Israel's crimes.  Time will come for criminals to be held accountable.

The war began after the regime in Tel Aviv escalated its violent measures against Palestinians in the West Bank, including at al-Aqsa mosque compound and also the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, where Israeli forces stepped up moves to force Palestinian families out of their homes to replace them with Israeli settlers.  The regime continued its violent actions against Palestinians after the ceasefire.

On Friday, Israeli forces attacked Palestinians taking part in rallies condemning the regime’s settlement activities in the occupied West Bank and displacement of Palestinians from their homes in Jerusalem al-Quds.

Some 113 Palestinians taking part in an anti-settlement rally on Sobeih Mountain in Beita town, south of the West Bank city of Nablus, were injured in the clashes.  The developments coincide with a bid by the occupying regime’s politicians to unseat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Centrist Israeli politician Yair Lapid announced about 35 minutes before a Wednesday night deadline that he had succeeded in clinching a coalition to end Netanyahu’s 12-year premiership.

Under the deal, former Israeli minister of military affairs Naftali Bennett would become prime minister and hand over the post to Lapid, a former TV host and finance minister, in about two years.

In a tweet on Thursday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Netanyahu has joined other hawkish anti-Iran figures in the “dustbin of history.”  Zarif compared Netanyahu’s fate to that of other major anti-Iran figures in the United States who were the Israeli prime minister’s close allies in his plots against Tehran, including former US President Donald Trump, his National Security Advisor John Bolton, and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

“Netanyahu has joined the disgraceful journey of his anti-Iran co-conspirators—Bolton, Trump and Pompeo—into the dustbin of history.”  Also, the leader of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has warned that another flare-up between the Palestinian factions and the Israeli regime will change the face of West Asia.

Speaking on Saturday, Yahya al-Sinwar asserted that Palestinian factions used only “half of their force” in the latest conflict with Israel, adding that the fighting was meant only “to test our strength.”

“We’ve proven to Israel that somebody’s protecting al-Aqsa Mosque, which is a strategic goal for the Palestinians.”


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