Brazilian president confirms official visit to U.S. in February to meet with Joe Biden

Editado por Ed Newman
2023-01-19 19:20:48


Brasilia, January 20 (RHC)-- Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will hold talks on February 10th in Washington with his U.S. counterpart, Joe Biden, official sources confirmed Thursday.  The agenda with Biden had been negotiated since the transition period and the ratification of the official trip was also made on Wednesday by Lula himself during an event at the Planalto Palace, seat of the Executive Power in this capital.

"I am here to build, to rebuild our image abroad.  By the way, on Sunday I'm going to Argentina, on the 10th I'm going to the United States and in March, I'm going to China," he said.

Minutes later he announced that he will also receive in the South American giant the leaders of Germany, Olaf Scholz, and France, Emmanuel Macron.  "We will make Brazil an international and respected protagonist again," he remarked.

During an interview granted this week to GloboNews television station, the former trade unionist also confirmed that he will go to see Biden.  "I want to know how he is facing the situation, because from the press I read, it seems to me that the Republicans are getting stronger."

It seems, he added, that "the radical discourse is getting stronger and it seems to me that the Democrats are having a bit of a hard time and they are going to have elections in two years."

The United States will be the third country visited by Lula in his third term.  First, he will be in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from January 23 to 24, to meet with President Alberto Fernandez and participate in the VII Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States -- CELAC.

On January 25, Lula da Silva will go to Montevideo, Uruguay, for an official visit to the neighboring country.


  • David Wade's gravatar
    David Wade
    20/01/2023 01:45 am

    Maybe Lula can convince Joe Bye-Done to reverse his idiotic policies toward Cuba. However, that might be too much to expect from Bye-Done's one functioning brain cell.

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