Yemen forces fire ballistic missiles at U.S. warships in continued support for Gaza

Editado por Ed Newman
2024-01-25 16:18:04


Sanaa, January 25 (RHC)-- Yemen's Armed Forces fired ballistic missiles against American warships in the Gulf of Aden and Bab al-Mandab Strait in support of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, who have come under a genocidal US-backed war by the Israeli regime.

Cited by Yemen's al-Masirah television network, the forces reported striking the American warships, including a number of destroyers, with the projectiles on Wednesday as the vessels were providing protection for two American commercial vessels.

"Despite attempts by the warships to intercept them, our ballistic missiles have reached their targets successfully," the forces said, noting that an American warship was "directly hit" and the commercial vessels "were forced to retreat."

The entire development "lasted for two hours," the announcement added.

Over the past month, the forces and Yemen's Ansarullah popular resistance movement have been staging many such strikes against Israeli vessels or those bound for the occupied Palestinian territories' ports.

The operations have been described as a response to the October 7-present war and siege that the Israeli regime has been waging against Gaza following an operation carried out by the Palestinian territory's resistance movements.

The Yemeni PM has described support for Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip as a “religious” duty.
Around 25,700 Palestinians, some 70 percent of whom are women, children, and adolescents, have been killed in the brutal onslaught so far.

The United States and the UK have also conducted several missile attacks against Yemeni targets in response to the Yemeni strikes.  Concluding their announcement, the Yemeni Armed Forces vowed to continue their operations "until the blockade against the Gaza Strip was lifted."   They also pledged to continue "taking all defensive measures to defend, and counter the US-British aggression" against Yemen.


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