CIA-Trained Afghan Forces Killed Six Civilians in Recent Home Raids

Editado por Ivan Martínez
2015-12-03 16:56:45


Kabul, December 3 (RHC)-- New Afghan government documents show that an elite CIA-trained Afghan force has killed at least six civilians during recent home raids in Khost province.

In one raid on November 20, two U.S. advisers were present when two civilians, a woman and her husband, were killed. During another raid on November 7, the Afghan forces killed two innocent civilians: a 45-year-old man and his teenage nephew.

When about 1,000 people attempted to march to the regional capital in protest of the November 7th killings, they were allegedly told by the CIA-trained Afghan forces that they could be attacked by U.S. troops if they did not disperse. The CIA-trained Afghan forces have long been accused of carrying out human rights abuses and being unaccountable to the Afghan government.


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