Moscow Calls New Trump Policy on Cuba 'Regretful'

Editado por Pavel Jacomino
2017-06-20 16:09:12


Moscow, June 20 (RHC)-- Russian Foreign Ministry’s Director of the Department of Latin America, Alexander Schetinin said the new policy of U.S. President Donald Trump regarding Cuba is regretful, and brings back memories of the Cold War era.

"The new policy, announced by the U.S. president in relation to Cuba, brings us back to the forgotten rhetoric of the Cold War style,” said the Russian senior diplomat. 

In December 2014, former U.S. president Barack Obama announced that the United States would normalize relations with Cuba after more than 50 years of non-engagement and hostilities.

The director of the Department of Latin America at the Russian foreign ministry further said that most people in and outside the U.S. viewed Obama's policy shift toward Cuba not as 'a certain deal' as Trump called it, but a thoughtful political decision, in which there were no losers, except the Miami extremists. 

“Now it turns out that the anti-Cuban discourse is still in high demand. This cannot but cause regret," Schetinin said.


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