Cuba calls for the right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy

Editado por Ed Newman
2018-09-26 13:59:50


United Nations, September 26 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Diaz Canel has called for the right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy without discrimination, and warned that humanity continues to be threatened by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

In his speech to commemorate the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, the Cuban leader repudiated the departure of the United States from the Iranian nuclear pact, and considered that this decision violates the norms of coexistence among states and will cause serious consequences for security and stability in the Middle East.

The Cuban president stressed that the Caribbean nation rejects security policies and military doctrines based on nuclear deterrence, and quoted Fidel Castro when in 1979 he stated: "Bombs can kill the hungry, the sick, the ignorant, but they can not kill hunger, disease and ignorance."

Diaz-Canel emphasized that the region of Latin America and the Caribbean was the first densely populated area in the world to be declared free of nuclear weapons, and stressed that Cuba maintains a firm commitment to strengthening and consolidating multilateralism and international treaties on nuclear issues of disarmament, in order to achieve a world free of these weapons.

He described nuclear weapons as inhumane, immoral and ethically indefensible, and advocated the total elimination of those arsenals with effective measures in a transparent and irreversible manner.



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