More than 23,000 polling stations to open for national elections

Editado por Catherin López
2023-03-13 22:54:02



Havana, March 13 (RHC) More than 23,600 polling stations are being prepared for national elections on March 26 in Cuba, where citizens will vote to elect the new Parliament members.


In statements to the press, the President of the National Electoral Council Alina Balseiro explained that a characteristic of this exercise is that if people are out of town for reasons beyond their control, and they can't vote in their polling station on time, there are options for them to exercise their right.


In such cases, they can go to the special polling stations or to the one closest to where they are, where they must prove their status as voters and declare that they are registered in the Electoral Registry.


Balseiro pointed out that for these elections, some 10 million ballots will be printed, a figure which includes a percentage above as a preventive measure for possible punctual actions at the polling stations.


She stated that these documents will be safeguarded until the moment they will be used on voting day.


Elections in Cuba have the peculiarity that children and young people guard the ballot boxes and accompany the process when it is necessary to go to a voter’s home to assist them in the exercise of their rights.


All 470 parliamentary candidates to the National People’s Power Assembly represent all sectors of society, and 221 of them (47.02 percent) are grassroots delegates; 135 (28.7) are from the provinces, and 114 (24.2) are national delegates. (Source: PL)


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