Delegates from 20 countries in the European forum of solidarity with Cuba

Editado por Beatriz Montes de Oca
2024-01-20 10:32:34


The channel was created in October 2020


Havana, January 20 (RHC) More than 150 delegates from 20 countries will participate next week in the Europe for Cuba channel’s second international meeting of solidarity with the island and condemnation of the US blockade.

Based in the northern Spanish city of Bilbao, in the Basque Country, the forum will meet from January 26 to 28, with the confirmed presence of parliamentarians, trade unionists, intellectuals, filmmakers, journalists and representatives of solidarity associations from Europe and other continents, particularly from America.

Although the forum will focus on the denunciation of Washington’s economic, commercial and financial blockade and the preparation of new actions to reject it, the participants will also express unconditional support for the Cuban Revolution on its 65th anniversary and pay tribute to the Cuban National Hero José Martí, 171 years after his birth.

According to José Antonio Toledo, one of the coordinators and founders of the channel created in October 2020, due to the anti-imperialist nature of the Bilbao meeting, it will defend the just causes of other peoples who face aggression, such as the Venezuelans and the Palestinians.

European representatives from Germany, Andorra, Spain, France, Itlay, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia (online) and Serbia will participate; while Latin America will be represented by delegates from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela. Palestinian, Sahrawi and Ethiopian delegates will also join the event.

The second international meeting of the Europe for Cuba channel will leave a final declaration, carrying the consensus and agreed activities. (Source: PL)


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