Havana, November 25 (RHC)-- Monday marked eight years since the physical departure of the eternal Fidel Castro. From the steps of the University of Havana, Cubans -- especially young people -- paid tribute to the Commander, as a sign that his legacy remains here, in each of the people present and in so many others throughout Cuba and the world.
The evening began at around 8:00 p.m. at the university, with the presence of the President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez; the members of the Political Bureau, Esteban Lazo Hernández, president of the National Assembly of People's Power and Roberto Morales Ojeda, Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the Party; Meivys Estévez Echevarría, First Secretary of the National Committee of the Union of Young Communists.
Also present were other members of the Political Bureau, leaders of the Party, the Government, mass organizations, the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the Ministry of the Interior, students and teachers from different levels of education.
Meyvis Estévez, in emotional words, spoke of the Commander in his youth, that is how he wanted to remember him. “The images of Fidel accompanied my childhood and adolescence, pure poetry for those of us who had the opportunity to share a piece of time with him.”
The First Secretary of the National Committee of the Union of Young Communists also recalled the important legacy of Fidel and each of the actions that made Cuba finally a safer, more dignified and, above all, free place. “When it seemed that the memory of the apostle would be extinguished, Fidel from this same place lit a torch that took a different and dignified path,” she said.
“We are a generation that must face adversity and never lose hope. We are in every lineman, educator, doctor and every Cuban who fights for a better country. Fidel and his generation gave us a work that we will never let fall,” she also added.
Annie Garcés, Frank Pedroso, the Ballet Revolución, the Amadeo Roldán National Symphony Orchestra and other artists also paid tribute to the Commander, leaving everyone present more than moved.
Fidel was here again tonight. Although, to tell the truth, Fidel has never stopped being here. This tribute, more than commemorating his passing, reminds everyone that in times like these we must turn to him more than ever, remembering his struggles and his ideas.