Second triumph for Cuba in World Youth Boxing Championship 

Editado por Ed Newman
2022-11-17 09:25:08


Ronnie Alvarez

Havana, November 17 (JIT) - The champion of the I Pan American Junior Games of Cali 2021, Ronny Alvarez, brought Cuba's second victory in the World Youth Boxing Championship of La Nucia 2022, in Spain.

Alvarez (86 kg) defeated by RSC in the last round the representative of Kyrgyzstan, Emir Khan Razhapov, an outcome that kept his team undefeated, victorious in the opening round through Kryhztian Barrera (75 kg).

The Cuban southpaw hit better from the beginning, with good work with both hands, complemented with effective defense and elegant mobility to complete an approach that left the opponent without arguments.

The transmission originated from the venue allowed to appreciate that the decision was brought forward as a result of the Asian's nosebleed, which required three medical attentions prior to the stoppage of the actions.

Alvarez's next appearance is scheduled for Friday as opponent of the Serbian Marko Pizurica. On Thursday, his team will place Ewart Marin (51 kg) against the Filipino John Wayne Vicera and Daniel Forcade (67 kg) against the Croatian Fabijan Tomkic.


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