Coordinating Committee of Indigenous and Rural Women and the Union of Indigenous Youth
Asuncion, November 22 (RHC)-- Paraguayan indigenous women are demanding attention from authorities during a two-day meeting against violence that began Tuesday in Asuncion.
"We ask them to listen to us, because many times they don't pay attention to us and even less so when we are indigenous women," declared Teresita Sánchez, of the Nivaclé people, Uj'e Lhavos community, Boquerón department, quoted by HOY newspaper.
The women of the sector shared experiences about the abuses of which they are victims, when they intervened in the meeting, under the general theme "Opening roads. Towards a response to violence against indigenous women." adds the newspaper.
The meeting, convened by the Coordinating Committee of Indigenous and Rural Women and the Union of Indigenous Youth, is part of the agenda for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, celebrated every November 25th.
The objective of the meeting, attended by local and international experts in human and indigenous rights, is to design more appropriate and effective public policies to confront this scourge, explained the spokeswoman of both organizations, Kuña Guaraní Aty.