El Salvador newspaper highlights Cuba's role in the world

Editado por Catherin López
2023-04-16 11:02:15



 San Salvador, Apr 15 (RHC) Cuba's leading role of solidarity and independence earned it the right to be the victim of a campaign of defamation and slander by the aggressive policies of 13 U.S. administrations, the Diario El Salvador reported Saturday.

This was faced by the Caribbean nation throughout the last 64 years of revolution and heroic resistance, unique in the planet and the history of mankind pointed out a commentary published by the newspaper with a marked pro-Salvadoran government tendency.

The article entitled "The Price of Independence and Dignity (part I)", written by David Hernández, writer, Doctor in Philosophy, and Master in Political Sciences pointed out that "Cuba's situation could well be parodied as the loneliness of the long-distance runner, due to the criminal economic, cultural and diplomatic blockade imposed by the United States government.

The analyst stressed that this blockade occurs "as a reprisal for daring to think and act with its voice in the concert of nations at a time when the entire Western hemisphere was considered (and still is) a priority area of strategic interest for Washington's national security".

Hernandez describes passages of the Caribbean nation's history, the U.S. intervention, and the imposition of the Platt Amendment, which, he said, imposed on Cuba humiliating preferential terms of the relationship between the two countries.

One of its aberrant clauses was the right of military intervention that the United States retained when its interests were "in danger" and the imposition of the Guantanamo Bay naval base, Hernandez added.

On January 1, 1959, the entry of the bearded guerrillas of the Sierra Maestra into Havana, led by Fidel Castro and the July 26th Movement, marked total independence from the United States, "a before and after in Latin American revolutionary struggles," he remarked.

The example of the Cubans "nourished the national liberation movements that took place on the planet and culminated in a series of revolutionary processes that took place in the continent, from the triumph of the Sandinista revolution in 1979 to the parliamentary revolutionary processes in recent years.

The Cuban Revolution was in the line of fire and in the front line of combat together with the anti-imperialist liberation movements against colonialism and the plundering of the colonial metropolises in the countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, he added.

The confrontation with the difficulties after the fall of socialism "left fruits of incalculable value in Cuba, among others, the formation of a highly developed society in all fields of scientific knowledge, especially in medicine, education, biotechnology, nuclear research, something that benefited half the world, he pointed out. (Source: Prensa Latina).


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