Cuban president highlights importance of multilateralism

Editado por Ed Newman
2024-09-12 22:01:18


Díaz-Canel said that for Cuba the future demands that the illegal blockade of the United States be lifted once and for all and that the country be removed from the arbitrary list of States that supposedly sponsor terrorism.    Photo taken from Prensa Latina

Havana, September 13 (RHC) -- The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (CC-PCC) and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel, stressed on Thursday the importance of multilateralism to guarantee a reliable future, where actions are taken together against coercion, inequality, genocide, double standards and the threat of war.

In a message sent to the Global Convocation of the Future Summit, the head of State pointed out that such aspirations will only be possible if there is real political will to remove the foundations of the current deeply unjust, unequal and exclusive international order.

“We cannot even talk about the future as long as the Zionist barbarism against Palestine is not stopped, as long as the philosophy of plunder prevails, which is the philosophy of war, as the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, warned so clearly 64 years ago,” he stressed.

Díaz-Canel warned that the future will be a chimera limited to reports and speeches, as long as spending on weapons continues to grow outrageously and the essential funds to finance development are reduced, frozen or blocked.

He pointed out that we cannot talk about “the future without providing the most vulnerable with the financial, technological and scientific means necessary” to address the challenge currently represented by climate change and the path to development.

“The profound reform required by the international financial architecture is essential to close the abysmal gap that separates the North from the South,” said the president, while warning that this exercise will not be able to translate into real benefits for the people, if it is not carried out under the guidance of the United Nations.

He also pointed out that the effects of the imbalances caused by the international economic order are multiplied for countries subjected to unilateral coercive measures.

The Cuban president reiterated the call to States to refrain from promulgating and applying these measures that violate International Law and the UN Charter.

He affirmed that for Cuba, the future demands that the illegal blockade of the United States be lifted once and for all and that the country be removed from the arbitrary list of States that supposedly sponsor terrorism.  (Source: Prensa Latina)


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